The Canyon State Lion is the “official publication” of the Lions of Arizona, Multiple District 21, and is published in a digital-for-download format monthly. It is the primary means of communication for member Lions, Lioness-Lions, and Leos in the Multiple District, as well as the state projects of Arizona Lions.
Published monthly and distributed electronically, the digital Canyon State Lion includes articles detailing events in each of the districts, letters from our District Governors and Council Chair, notifications of upcoming conferences, conventions, events, and fundraisers, and links to additional Lions resources.
In addition, the digital publication provides the district governors an opportunity to announce their club visitation schedules, the foundations and projects to announce latest news and to advise of current needs, and the clubs of the multiple district to share information about what Lions members are doing in their communities and the world in which “We Serve”!
Canyon State Lion
Published monthly by the MD21 Canyon State Lion Operations Committee for the Lions of Multiple District 21 (Arizona-California).
The publication is distributed online to those members with emails. Effective January 2023, printed and mailed copies are unavailable. Official circulation is approximately 3,300.
Editorial inquiries and requests for information should be sent to:
Contact the editor directly (by phone, text or email) to discuss content submissions or event advertising in the electronic edition. All MD-21 Lions are invited to submit articles and photographs (b/w or color accepted). Photographs submitted can be originals or digital files sent via email.
The Canyon State Lion reserves the right to edit for length and grammar. Opinions expressed in the publication are those of the authors and may not necessarily be those of the staff of the publication nor the Multiple District 21 Council of Governors.