Taking a New Direction

Welcome to 2023! I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season! At the Mid-Year Conference this past November in Tucson, the Council of Governors voted to replace the format of the Canyon State Lion. We are switching to this digital format – an electronic newsletter format that is also integrated to a new Facebook page:  LionsArizonaMD21. Please let us know what you think of the new format. And please note this is a work in progress – we welcome your input! At the Mid-year Conference, a new Multiple District 21 (Arizona) communications committee was tasked to develop a  new format and to put in place the mechanism to roll out the monthly newsletter. Well, the best laid plans…. The committee is working towards this goal. At this juncture, it remains a work-in-concept. In the interim, DG Ken Leja graciously accepted the task on a temporary basis. Please be sure to thank Ken for stepping up and ensuring the newsletter went out! The digital newsletter format is intended to be a faster and easier format for its primary purposes: To keep our Lions of Arizona informed. At the same time, it’s designed to save significant funds and to serve as an outreach tool. We hope you find this format easier to navigate and more effective. This our first effort – so please let us know what you like and do not like about this format! Remember, this newsletter is for all Lions in Arizona – so, if you or your club has anything you would like included in a newsletter, please let us know. I hope 2023 is a terrific year for you, your family, your club, and our Lions members!! Phil Whitaker, council chair